Book available for Pre-order.

Pre-ordering provides the opportunity to receive not only the digital edition of the story but, most importantly, the signed paperback version by the creator.

The physical volumes are limited to only 100,000 copies, with this offer applying to each book and exclusively for the first 100,000 orders.

Code Golden catalog

the Project by Steps

To mitigate any risk of plagiarism, the unveiling of the new world occurs progressively. Answers to your questions and additional information will be unveiled in sync with the project's development.

Currently, we are at Stage 2 out of 11.

- Each sale of a bracelet contributes to the fund dedicated to launching the metaverse.

- Every donation is fully allocated to the project's realization.

The fund is divided into 11 planned stages, each corresponding to one of the 11 development phases.

See the stages​​​


Ossa - Seas of Blood is protected 

by © Copyright since January 2023

Ossa's Story has been written for more than 10 years...

Contact us for more information.

400M km²
Known Field Surface
Known Continents
Historical Characters
Years of History

A huge map. An universe.

Embark on an adventure across over 1,000,000,000 square kilometers of explorable terrain.

Discover numerous civilizations, each with their own unique traditions and captivating stories.

Experience the single or multiplayer gameplay during the Alpha* Access phase.

* Alpha - Software testing. The initial phase of concrete software development after coding the applications, games, or metaverse.

Join us in shaping the next-generation Metaverse. This could be an opportunity worth seizing.

Imagine stepping into a virtual world where you're greeted with a vast, immersive map that stretches out as far as the eye can see. This digital terrain unfolds before you, beckoning you to embark on an epic journey of exploration. From serene forests to bustling cityscapes, desolate deserts to towering mountain ranges, this massive map teems with endless possibilities. You're free to chart your own path, uncover hidden treasures, and interact with a dynamic environment that responds to your every move. It's a boundless canvas for adventure and discovery, limited only by the reach of your imagination.

In this virtual realm, the colossal map serves as your playground, promising not just a glimpse but a full immersion into the new worlds. Whether you're a gamer, an adventurer, or simply a curious explorer, the expanse of this digital landscape invites you to lose yourself in its wonders and forge your own unique narrative in the ever-expanding frontiers of the virtual universe of Ossa - Seas of Blood.

The Metaverse

Step into a new dimension where limitless possibilities await your exploration and engagement.

More details

About us

Let us introduce you to the remarkable individuals who comprise our team, driving our vision forward.


Make a donation

By making a donation, you not only support a good cause but also unlock a rewarding experience.

Let's go

The Shop that got us here.

Each product is handcrafted in a workshop located in Belgium.

Code Golden Shop was created to engage the metaverse of Ossa - Seas of Blood.

The shop is a branch of the development studio - Code Golden Studio​

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The Metaverse

Step into a new dimension where limitless possibilities await your exploration and engagement.

More details

About us

Let us introduce you to the remarkable individuals who comprise our team, driving our vision forward.


Make a donation

By making a donation, you not only support a good cause but also unlock a rewarding experience.

Let's go

offficial Book coming soon...

" I have been crafting Ossa's Story for many years – a decade, to be precise, if my memory serves me correctly. 

I can wholeheartedly certify and assure you that not a single word of it has been generated by artificial intelligence. I painstakingly created every aspect of this story as my life unfolded, resulting in a complete and intricately woven narrative. I genuinely hope that you will find it enjoyable for what it truly is – a labor of love " - 7 books at term.

​Creator / Administrator - September 2023

Nevertheless, in this era of artificial intelligence, we employ MidJourney to enhance the visual experience on every page of the book. Each page has been meticulously reworked to incorporate an illustration, designed to immerse you in an even more extraordinary journey

Language : English - Français

Pre-order available in the catalog of Code Golden Shop.

Code Golden catalog

Want to discover more ?

Enhance your knowledge of the Metaverse Lore.

The universe of Ossa - Seas of Blood is ruled by Gods.
Mira & Jig, dieties among mortals. Their role is simple, bring order to the new world...
200 years of legendary stories and more...